Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Beginning of the End

Hello to everyone out there,

It's Jessica at the Will Rogers Theatre! I felt the need to post on the blog that I am leaving. My last day here at the Will Rogers Theatre will be Friday July 31st. It has been an interesting and memorable journey over the past years and there are definitely moments that I will cherish. I have had the privilege of working with 100's of Oklahoma City's finest brides and their families. I have a wonderful team that I am incredibly proud of. I have loyal and smart business customers who have put their trust in the team here at the WRT to take care of their event needs from start to finish. It has been a journey filled with highs and a few lows but never a journey that I regret taking.

My successor will be Joseph Major and I am sure he will be updating the blog with his unique perspective and experiences working here at the WRT. I hope that you will welcome him warmly and continue to follow our blog as well as our feeds on twitter and facebook so you can stay current with all that the Will Rogers Theatre has to offer.

Have a fantastic summer, and don't forget to get your fall and winter events on the calendar. It's been a busy 2009 and I fully expect for it to stay that way.
Jessica Conder
Event Coordinator